The film production cycle consists of pre-production, production, post production, distribution and exhibition
During pre-production, the script is broken down into individual scenes and all the locations, props, cast members, costumes, special effects and visual effects are identified. An extremely detailed schedule is produced and arrangements are made for the necessary elements to be available to the film-makers at the appropriate time. Sets are constructed, the crew is hired, financial arrangements are put in place and a start date for the beginning of principle photography is set.The pitch is also presented.
In this stage the film is filmed.
Post-production includes editing the picture, editing soundtrack, adding visual effects, adding sound effects and transferring the film to video.
The distributor is a company or individual whom is responsible for the releasing of the film to the public either theatrically or for home viewing. They are also responsible for the promotional qualities of the film, they advertise the film by organising a future franchise, using product placement and creating tie-ins.
Exhibition is the stage in which the film is unveiled to the audience/public. If a distributor is working with a theatrical exhibitor, the distributor secures a written contract stipulating the amount of the gross ticket sales to be paid to the distributor by the exhibitor.
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